Project & Change Management

The buzzy phrase of ‘Digital Transformation’ seems so definite, however we know that remaining at the forefront of tech is an ever lasting process of improvement. Of course some programmes of change are larger than others, and ensuring you have the right people is key to their success!

We’ve provided high calibre talent across technology and business change, from Business Analysts, to Programme Managers, Product Owners and Scrum Masters. We can find you the skills to help your transformation journey.

Whether your organisation is implementing large scale systems changes such as ERP, CRM or other SaaS solutions, or developing products for your target audience, we've consistently delivered tailored recruitment services that yield tangible results. From a single key hire in your team, to the construction of entire delivery and change teams, we work in Synergy with you to fulfil your requirements.

‌Our expertise includes;

  • Project Management
  • Scrum Master
  • Business Analysis
  • Product Ownership
  • Change Management
  • Programme Management
  • PMO Management
  • PMO Analysis

Read our Blogs

24. 07. 2024

Stand Out From The Crowd

How to Make Your Job Application Shine In A Competitive Market
25. 06. 2024

The True Cost of Recruitment: Beyond the Agency Fee

Have you ever thought about reviewing the overall cost of recruitment in your business beyond the obvious? Let's take a look at what could be costing you money.
14. 05. 2024

Is the Technical Test Toast?

A dive in to how we can utilise the tools available to support hiring technical talent.