16. 02. 2024

What to REALLY consider when partnering with an agency

Okay… So when I’ve worked with clients on their recruitment campaigns over the years, there’s always been a couple of key and simple elements that just work. Here’s my observations on how businesses can get the most from their recruitment consultancy, to ensure a successful recruitment campaign.

*Disclaimer* I’m not some old wise recruitment guru preaching from a cave (even if I type like a caveman…), I’m just openly sharing what I’ve seen. 

“Yes”, “of course”, “absolutely”: We all love the enthusiasm, but agencies that agree to everything, might not be prioritising quality or truly understand their market. Look for partners who ask questions, refine your job duties and challenge your views on the ideal candidate. This "friendly sparring" can lead to stronger and faster hiring process.

Communication for the vocation: Pick an agency that communicates. It’s easy to update you, super simple in fact - Open new email > input address > input update > hit send. Regular check-ins are crucial for discussing progress, sharing insights, and addressing any concerns or opportunities openly. Building this trust and transparency fosters a successful partnership.

Candidate attraction: In a market where one active job seeker receives dozens of messages from recruiters and talent acquisition partners, you need to make sure you’re partnering with an agency who are able to attract the right candidates and standout. A talent attraction strategy is key to ensure your vacancy is gaining maximum traction. Discuss the approach with the consultancy, to ensure you’re confident on their ability to market your business and vacancy appropriately.

The best success comes from treating your consultancy as an extension of your team, not just a vendor. Utilise them, bounce ideas around with them, use them as a sounding board - they’re here to make a positive impact on your business and share in the success. The more you understand the needs of the market you’re hiring in, the better you can adapt to ensure you’re still getting the right talent.

There you have it. It’s worth keeping this in mind for when you’re next recruiting and choosing a recruitment consultancy to partner with. If you have any questions or you’re finding your current recruitment strategies aren’t working, feel free to reach out – I’m always happy to chat through and offer advice to enable you to find the right people for your business.