21. 02. 2024

Top Tips for an Interviewer!

Last week I witnessed one of the worst interviews I have ever seen! Admittedly this was in the hospitality sector, so it took place in an open forum, however I really was mortified.

In short, the things I saw did not give the best impression at all. The interviewer didn’t engage the candidate on arrival, they spent time on their laptop, and even on their phone, never offered a drink, and so many more examples of poor etiquette.

So….here’s my guide to being a good interviewer, because it is essential you give a good impression of yourself and the business you represent

Before an interview

  1. Be clear on what a candidate should expect, how long the interview will last, and who will be present.
  2. Be flexible to give the candidate many suitable options to meet with you up front. This will ensure something is booked in swiftly, and candidates are engaged early.
  3. Provide instructions about the format, dress code, anything specific they need to prepare and any helpful tips on logistics (where to park, how to enter a building etc).

During the interview

  1. Be welcoming through a warm greeting, engaging handshake, offer refreshments, introduce them to everyone involved in the interview and invite them to take a seat.
  2. Be prepared and organised by reviewing the candidate's CV and have a clear interview plan with relevant questions.
  3. Being conversational gets better results than interrogation style interviews. Ask open questions, listen actively, and encourage candidates to share their experiences.
  4. Showcase your company, the culture, work environment, current objectives and ambitions of the team and business.
  5. Utilise communication methods as body language is a key part of any interview. We’ve all heard that Albert Mehrabian statistic, that only 7% of what is said are the words spoken. 38% is vocal and 55% nonverbal.
  6. Be present! Everyone has a shared interest in this process. Park whatever else is going on, and focus on the interview, no distractions.
  7. At the end tell the candidates when you are likely to give them feedback

After the interview

  1. Provide feedback in a timely manner, in the timelines you had given the candidate during the interview. If there is a delay, communicate, keep the person in the loop.
  2. Be professional regardless of the outcome. Treat candidates with respect and courtesy, especially as a candidates experience of you now, will remain with them for the future.

There is a lot to consider when interviewing candidates, and I believe their experience is super important. Candidates may interview with your business many times over the years, but only if their experience is a positive one, regardless of the outcome.

Bonus tip! Consider offering a tour of the working environment. This is a great chance for the individual to see more, but also a chance for the interviewer to have a more casual conversation as you walk together.

By following these tips, you can create a positive and informative interview experience that will leave a lasting impression on candidates, even if they are not ultimately chosen for the role. Remember, a positive candidate experience can benefit your company by attracting top talent, building employer brand reputation, and fostering a positive work environment. In smaller communities, this is essential!